Saturday, October 20, 2007

Isaiah 1

I've decided (and I don't know how long this will last) to declare Saturdays "Exposition Saturday" I'm trying to dive into scripture, and do my best to exposit the richness of the text. I spent about an hour this morning in Isaiah 1, and while most of my notes I wrote in a notebook, I wrote a summary on my computer, and will post it here.

I. The sinfulness of Israel (v.2)
A. Their total depravity and wickedness(v.5,6)
B. Their wickedness despite their destruction (v.7-9)

II. The Lord speaks to them where they are (v.10)
A. God’s displeasure in their religious affections (v.11,12)
B. God refuses to hear their prayers because of their evil. (v.14,15)

III. God calls them to repentance (v.16,17)
A. He tells them to turn from evil, and practice righteousness. (v.17)
B. He promises restoration for those who will be obedient, but promises wrath and judgment to those who refuse. (v.18,19)

IV. God illustrates how His nation has whored themselves out to the world (v.21)
A. They have turned from God, and serve themselves (v.23)
B. A nation once built on justice, now oppresses widows (v.23)

V. God promises to take vengeance on His enemies by purging Israel of them. (v.25)
A. God will purify the Nation of Israel. (v.24)
B. He will purge them of sin, and restore them to a righteous and just nation. (v.26)

VI. Righteousness will rule the Nation of Israel. (v.27)
A. All who forsake the Lord will be consumed (v.28)
B. God will redeem those with righteousness the ones who return to Him.(v.27)

Sometimes when i sit and think about things that are happening around me, I get overwhelmed by the lack of knowledge, especially in those who profess faith in Christ. And while a part of me wants to take each individual, put my hands on their shoulders, look them straight in the eye and vigorously shake them and say with much intensity... "Do you know what you are doing! You're neglecting this salvation! You're neglecting His Word! How can you expect God to show you great and mighty things if you refuse to read about the things He has already done and revealed to you! Don't you know it's those things that save you! Nothing else!"

I am humbled by this thought... if i truly believe it's the Word of God that changes people, why would I think for a second that anything I say, regardless of it's sincerity and intensity would invoke any lasting change whatsoever, if it's not clearly based and supported by the Word of God. I so desperately want to see a reformation in my church and society, and even if I have the tenacity and charisma to scream and yell to get their attention, and perhaps make a positive impact on what is happening now, nothing that happens as a result of my own ideas will hold any weight unless I surrender to the Word of God, and while this forces me to be patient, when I want to act, and while it suppresses my thoughts and feelings when it seems so clear to me, I have committed myself not to act until permitted to by the Word of God. If I ignored that principal, than I know any action, regardless of my intentions, will be destined for failure...

The point is, I am going to commit myself to the careful and diligent exposition of the Word until my conscience cannot bear the weight of what I must do because of it's influence over my own life. This will ensure that when I act, it's God who is acting, and not me. I want to make sure that when I think, it's God who is thinking through the influence of Scripture, and not me. I only know one way to do this, and that's to become a student of His Word.


Jake said...

call me crazy for publishing a comment on my own blog, but that sure sounds a lot like the gospel, doesn't it.

northWord said...

I really needed to to hear this....thank you (I mean God) for, you.