Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Annihilationism: Nothing to be afraid of... or is it?

Matthew 10:28; Galatians 3:24-26

Let me begin by saying... it's been a while, and it's good to be back. This has been a great outlet for me. I can't even begin to tell you how incredibly impotent I feel when it comes to apologetics. I know I can often give others the impression that I have superior knowledge when it comes to God, but my ability to communicate has deceived many, including myself at times, into thinking the great truths I've conveyed to them were a result of my own insight or rationale, when they were, in fact, mostly derived from my study of men who have poured their lives into Scripture. While I am grateful for the God-given insight of these men, I certainly don't want to give anyone the impression I have been afforded the same insight. I am grateful for the things God has revealed to me, and I always pray God will reveal them to me directly from His Word before I'm inclined to believe anyone, or discredit anyone.

This is why apologetics are difficult for me. I have been challenged, recently, on how I look at a lot of things in Scripture. Thankfully, by the Grace of God, His Word has always come out on top, and the question of annihilationism is no different. I read Greg Boyd's defense of Annihilationism, and even though it is in stark contrast to everything I have been taught since I believed, I considered it. Greg Boyd has a large following, and after reading his exposition of Romans 9 I wanted to read more about his theology on other things. Now, I believe any learned believer could probably pick apart his open theistic explanation of Romans 9, but I am not quite there yet. Even though the exposition stood against everything I understand about God, and I wasn't buying it, I can see how it would be understood that way. I was intrigued, hoping I could at least get a rational, even if it's wrong, opinion about annihilationism, and that's when the wheels started coming off.

I'll let Dr. Boyd tell you what Annihilationism is, so I'm not accused of putting a "negative spin" on it: "Annihilationism is the view that whoever and whatever cannot be redeemed by God is ultimately put out of existence. Sentient beings do not suffer eternally, as the traditional view of hell teaches."

Dr. Boyd says he is strongly inclined towards this position. I cannot say this enough... I am not an apologist, nor do I want to meddle too much in the business of picking apart heresies for a couple reasons:

1. I am too susceptible to pride. I find that when I spend a good deal of time finding heresy, and trying to snuff it out, I'm the one who gets "snuffy"

2. There are WAAAAAAY smarter individuals than myself who are much better at it

But I did have to say something about annihilationsim. I emailed Greg and asked him, why would anyone be afraid of God?

Jesus said, "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."

If our two choices are go to heaven or cease to exist when we die, than why would Jesus tell us to fear God who is able to destroy body and soul? It doesn't add up. I know we will be judged, and if we're found guilty we'll be thrown into the lake of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:42) But how long will that last? is it just a few minutes? A couple seconds, and then we're gone? It seems the only difference between an atheist and an annihilationist is the annihilationist is at least willing to concede to a final judgement, but essentially, they're in agreement. A MUCH better argument against annihilationism can be found here, but so far, I haven't been able to find answers for my questions.

I am thankful for the testimony of the persecuted church. It would seem ridiculous that so many, like Jim Elliot and Nate Saint, among countless others (The Apostle Paul...?) would risk their lives to deliver a "message of salvation" to those who can either choose heaven or... nothing. I guess what makes it even harder to believe is the fact that is wrapped around open theism, which means it's our choice. Try to put yourself into the natural mind, and look around... why on earth would you become a Christian? There are dozens of religions that will soundly soothe your deepest needs, but certainly NOT Christianity. Remember, as mark Driscoll so eloquently put it... "We worship a Guy WHO GOT MURDERED." Murdered, killed... and what happens to many of His followers? You guessed it... killed. Paul put it plainly in Galatians... the Law leads us to Christ. We need forgiveness, we will be held accountable, and annihilationism, in my humble opinion, tears at the fabric of the Gospel Itself. So there it is... my first blog in a long time. It's good to be back.


Kathie said...

Interesting post. I had never heard of annihilationism. Sounds like just another escape route for those who are unwilling to admit that God exists, that there will be a judgment, and everyone will be spending eternity in one of two places. And most importantly, where we spend eternity is entirely up to us. Our decision. Have to do a bit of reading on annihilationism in the near future, although it doesn't seem to be a very popular subject. Been on the mission field for over 23 years and have never heard of it before.

Blessings from Costa Rica

northWord said...

oooh yes it is good to see a post here! :)

The first time I'd ever heard of the concept of "annihilism" was several months ago during a debate (at flickr, go figure ;) with a Seventh Day Adventist. He made some comments about hell that I thought were 'off' and I challenged him to back them up.

I'd been about 4 or 5 exhaustive/researchive posts into this thing with him before I came across the word "annihilism" at some site. I read it was a common belief in the SDA church. If only he would have told me that sooner it might have saved me alot of -oh wait- doh .. uhm..reading/studying scripture is never a waste of time :)

Thanks for this great post!

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